Known by many names lasting jack / lasting stand / lasting post gives shoemakers that much needed extra hand.
This wonderful tool holds your shoe upper securely leaving your hands free for prepping, lasting, soling, welting, sewing, cementing, tacking, nailing, hammering and is used to help remove the last from a created shoe - “breaking the last”.
But, what sets this stand apart from all the rest is that you can fully dissemble and return to its fitted box when not in use ~and~ you to work anywhere, because it's flat steel base plate allows for secure bench top mounting with the use of C-clamps.
Post Height: 8", 1/4" thick
Pins: 9 1/2mm & 12mm
Base: 6" x 8", 1/4" thick
Base & pins are made of solid steel.
2 lockings Screws Steel & assembly Hex tool included
Made in China
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